Citizen Demand and Oversight Programme

This programme focuses on concerns around inadequate enforcement of constitutional and legal provisions on leadership, integrity, and anti-corruption; normalization of corruption at individual and societal levels; corrupt, unethical, and unaccountable leadership; and inefficient, ineffective, and non-responsive public service delivery and humanitarian aid systems. Other challenges include inefficient, ineffective, and inaccessible judicial systems and weak civic voice/claim-making towards rights.

Under the programme, the promotion of citizen participation in all governance processes will be a core strategy. Key areas of intervention include;

Citizen (Individual) and Leadership Integrity

This sub-area seeks to promote ethical values, norms, and behavior among citizens, and to support citizens to demand for integrity and hold leaders accountable.

Expected Outcomes

Access to Public Services and Aid Resources

This sub-area seeks to contribute to enhanced access to responsive high-quality public services and aid resources.

Expected Outcomes

Access to Justice

This sub-area seeks to increase access to appropriate/effective redress for victims of corruption-related injustices.

Expected Outcomes

Advocacy and Legal Advisory Centres (ALACs)

Through the Advocacy and Legal Advisory Centres (ALACs) established in Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisumu and Nairobi, TI-Kenya encourages corruption victims to come forward with corruption-related complaints. Cases filed in the ALACs provide concrete evidence to advocate for institutional and legal reforms. ALAC  is a walk-in, call-in center or mail in center where a citizen can obtain free and confidential advice on corruption cases. ALAC works with communities to empower them to report corruption. ALAC also offers a unique opportunity for the fight against corruption in Kenya as it gives opportunity to gather data on graft incidents in various public and private institutions.

For programme enquiries please contact us on Tel: 2727763/5 /+254 (0) 722 209 589/ Mobile:+254 (0) 722 296 589    Email: