Nairobi – Kenya, 21st February 2023: Transparency International Kenya has launched its six-year strategic plan (2022 – 2028) that seeks to champion for ethical values and behaviors, shine a spotlight on the corrupt, and contribute towards a culture of transparency and accountability, which will lead to greater equity and quality of public service delivery, and ultimately improve the quality of life for Kenyans. The strategic road map will also pay special attention towards the full implementation of chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, on leadership and integrity.

The strategy dubbed ‘Action for Integrity’ is anchored on four programmatic strategic result areas upon which TI-Kenya’s work will be concentrated during the six-year period. The focus areas include;

  1. Citizen Demand and Oversight – To spur leadership and integrity, promote access to public services and aid resources, and increase access to effective redress mechanisms for victims of corruption-related injustices.
  2.  Natural Resources and Climate Governance – To contribute to greater accountability and transparency of natural resources and climate governance, as well as sustainable use and equitable sharing of natural resources.
  3. Public Finance Management – To focus on transparency in public procurement processes; illicit financial flows; efficiency of public spending; and quality of financial oversight systems.
  4. Institutional Development – To strengthen internal systems and augment our Planning Monitoring Evaluation Research and Learning capacity, and advocacy.

The strategy is the outcome of a co-creation process by the TI-Kenya fraternity and its key stakeholders, and it is motivated by the need for regular strategic re-positioning and realignment with shifting operational contexts.

“To effectively address corruption in Kenya, we must tackle the underlying structures and systems that contribute to and sustain the vice. Such underlying factors commonly pertain to cultures and norms; laws and policies; as well as the capacities of citizens and relevant institutions,” Mrs Bernadette Musundi – Chair, Board of Directors, Transparency International Kenya said. “As such, we plan to invest in empowering people by promoting behavior change, influencing policy, practice, and norms, brokering strategic partnerships and knowledge products, as well as leveraging access to resources towards the fight against corruption”.

In addition to addressing capacity challenges within various accountability institutions, TI-Kenya will also push for effective implementation of the established anti-corruption regulatory frameworks, and work to prevent the reversal of hard-won gains in the fight against corruption being bangled by the criminal justice system, especially in the wake of known corruption and other criminal cases of high-profile individuals inexplicably being withdrwan by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP). To this end, TI-Kenya will work to empower the public to be responsive and effective in holding such duty bearers as the ODPP to account, while facilitating the existence of  supportive policy, legal and institutional frameworks for anti-corruption interventions.

Download Action for Integrity – TI-Kenya Strategic Plan 2022-2028

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